Welcoming 2015 with fun and games!

They say it is much more easy to work and have fun.

Some studies indicate that having a place or a corner in the office where the team can relax and have fun during the working hours, brings the productivity of the company`s workflow at much higher level.

And when you add that boys will be boys and the fact that we are super cool startup company the result is something super fun as new addition to match the decor in the office.

And when it comes to games and fun, Nintendo and Playstation are klishe because nowadays pretty much everyone has one and plays on them all the time.


So we decided to be even more cool and got a game station from the 90s with more that 150 old games with which we grew up.


If you want to try it out and remember the old days, visit our office, join our officesurfing program and we will be super excited to share a cup of coffee with you.


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