Anonymous. P2P. VoIP.

Who among us hasn’t had one of those demanding days, when you are tired of everything, alone and all you want is to simply tell someone your troubles, not caring who is on the other side and being sure that no one will judge you? Not caring where the other person comes from and being sure that they will never find out who you are and vice versa.

See, have you seen the movie “HER”? Well, we did and we came up with a really cool idea. Building a smart OS that could be a roommate, a friend, and a lover even… An interesting idea, but, we do not think that the time for such a thing has yet arrived. However, another interesting point in this movie caught our eye. How about randomly connecting with someone you don’t know personally and having the opportunity to talk with guaranteed anonymity?


“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”


That is what Black is all about.

We have built an anonymous VoIP app that will allow you to connect with someone and never knowing who they are (unless, of course, you would like to).

Like in the movie “Before Sunrise” (1995), you meet someone, you have fun, and you seize the day and live in the moment, not caring what tomorrow brings. No one knows what will happen next, life simply goes on…

Imagine the limitless possibilities of being able to share thoughts, feelings, secrets and everything else with no judgment. Just spending time comfortably, the burden of privacy and anonymity nonexistent, with talking and unwinding being the only goal. Black would like to allow you all of that.


“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. ”


If you are willing to be first in the line and try-out Black, subscribe on the form available on our landing page.

Feel free to follow @blckapp to get the latest updates and keep track of the progress of the app.

What do you think? Let’s talk?


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